
Gabriel Rosenstock

Born in Kilfinane, Co. Limerick in 1949, Gabriel Rosenstock studied at University College Cork, where he associated with the Innti group of poets.

He is a poet, tankaist, playwright, haikuist, novelist, essayist, and author/translator of over 180 books, mostly in Irish (Gaelic). Rogha Rosenstock, a selection from 10 different volumes of his poetry, appeared in 1994, and a selection of his children’s poetry, Dánta Duitse, was published in 1998. He also published another volume of poetry, Syójó, and A Treasury of Irish Love, a compilation.

Other recent titles include the Krishnamurphy trilogy from Coiscéim, Krishnamurphy Ambaist!; Eachtraí Krishnamurphy and Tuairiscíonn Krishnamurphy ó Bhagdad, the travelogue Ólann mo Mhiúil as an nGainséis (CIC 2003), the bilingual selection Rogha Dánta/ Selected Poems (CIC) and the bilingual volume Bliain an Bhandé/ Year of the Goddess (Dedalus 2007).

He is a Lineage Holder of Celtic Buddhism, Former Chairman Poetry Ireland/Éigse Éireann, Corresponding Member Hellenic Authors’ Society, Member of Board of Advisors to Poetry India, Honorary Life Member Irish Translators’ and Interpreters’ Association, Honorary Member of the short-lived European Haiku Society.

He taught haiku at the Schule für Dichtung (Poetry Academy), Vienna, and Hyderabad Literary Festival. He is a prolific translator into Irish of international poetry (among others Ko Un, Seamus Heaney, K. Satchidanandan, Rabindranath Tagore, Muhammad Iqbal, Hilde Domin, Peter Huchel etc.), plays (Beckett, Frisch, Yeats) and songs (Bob Dylan, Kate Bush, The Pogues, Leonard Cohen, Bob Marley, Van Morrison, Joni Mitchell, David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen).

He lives in Dublin.

(Grianghraf: IMRAM)

Poetry Titles from Gabriel Rosenstock

(An updated selection)

Boatman! take these songs from me

(Tanka in response to artwork by Masood Hussain)

Manipal Universal Press, India 2023


Love Letter to Kashmir

(Tanka & Haiku in response to watercolours by

Masood Hussain)

Cross-Cultural Communications, NY, 2023


Garsún: Boy (A memoir in verse)

Translated from the Irish by Paddy Bushe

Arlen House, Ireland, 2023


Stirrings of Love (Tanka)

Irish, English, Japanese, Romanian and Greek

Junpa Books, Japan, 2023


Orang-Utan (Haiku for Children 8-12 +)  2023


Conversations with Li He

Translated from the Irish by Garry Bannister

Cross-Cultural Communications, NY, 2021


Glengower (Poems for No One in Irish and English)

The Onslaught Press 2018


The Stars Are His Bones

Upanishadic Photo-Haiku with Debiprasad Mukherjee

Cross-Cultural Communications, NY, 2021


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